Doula.nl is for anybody wanting to know more about doula services in/ around the Netherlands. For women who want to become a doula, for anybody who wants to find a doula, for birth professionals. Basically for anybody who is interested in what a doula can DO(ula) for you! When you feel you would like to know more about a particular doula, please contact her directly. Most doula's have their own website where you can read up on all their services.
Do you have any questions with regards to this doula platform? Would you like to know more about doula's in general? Do you maybe have a great picture or a story you'd like to share of your birth with a doula attending? Are you a doula yourself, working in the Netherlands and would you like to be mentioned here? Feel free to contact us by sending an email to info@doula.nl or simply by filling in and submitting the intake form.